Hello, my name is


I am aSoftware Engineer.

My skills

I started coding over 15 years ago at university, and have obtained a wealth of skills since then.
Over the years, I have worked for companies that had clients such as Adobe, and used a variety of languagues and packages.
I have worked with Wordpress and Joomla CMS, custom content management systems, jQuery, PHP, MySql as well as javascript.

I continually enjoy to learn new skills, using Udemy, as well as resources such as youtube and podcasts to help keep up to date with web language trends, and thrive on bettering myself.
I enjoy a using a range of technologies both front-end and back-end including express.js mongo, react and sanity.

Photo by
					<a href='https://unsplash.com/@glenncarstenspeters?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText'>Glenn Carstens-Peters</a> on
					<a href='https://unsplash.com/s/photos/web-dev?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText>Unsplash</a>

My Work

Movie Search

Created with HTML, CSS and JavaScript I made this app by utilising The Movie DB API. The user can search for a film, which will return some information including the user rating and overview of that film. This poject has a wealth of expansion opportunities.

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Pokemon Pokedex

Using the Poke Api, I created this pokemon pokedex of the first 150 pokemon. Using JavaScript to dynamically populate the page, the pokedex also features the ability to automatically decide what colour the background should be based upon the pokemon type.

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Random Password

Created with Javascript, this random password generator allows the user to choose whether to add uppercase, numbers and symbols as well as a password length up to 30 chars. I have also added the ability to copy the password straight to the clipboard.

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Date Challenge

I was challenged with creating an age checker that took the date via a date picker and an input number box and output if the user is over 18 or not using javascript. I was also asked to use a date picker and an input box to check to see if the date inputted was a future date or not.

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Quote Generator

This is just a basic page that generates a random quote. Written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS, it features a loading animation as well as the ability to get a new quote.

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Score Keeper

Written in Javascript, HTML and CSS using Bootstrap 5, this app allows you to keep a running score.

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Crochet Blog Portfolio

Written in react using Sanity.io and tailwindcss, this is a portfolio with a blog for a crochet enthusiast, designer or simply a showcase of work to sell. The project could be moved on further to allow sales of items through the site. I wrote custom components using hooks, customised sanity studio by creating my own schemas and was able to add in a customised projects page. I wrote a lightbox component to display the images.

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Sanity Custom Input

The Sanity Studio is an open-source CMS built with React.js. It offers rapid configuration and free form customization. For this project, I have coded a custom input that will allow the user to tweet directly to Twitter from the Sanity Studio

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Personal Trainer

This site is aimed at a personal trainer wanting a blog as part of their site. Built with Sanity.io cms and NextJs which allows for static site generation, speeding up the website. There is plenty of room for expansion on this site including adding in estimated reading time on the blog, a calendar and even the potential to add in a booking system.

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